Health and safety are two really important factors in anybody’s life. To know more about these two important issues, please go through the following given information:
Health and safety in the workplace
It is a fact that 2 out of 5 workers have been injured whereas work related injuries and ill health costs 14 Billion pounds to the society. The reason why amount of accidents within a workplace is slowly declining is because of an increase in awareness and training.50% of the injuries/illness result in days away from work.
How safe is the air we breathe?
Nearly 2.5 million children and over 7.4 million adults with asthma live in parts of the United States with very high levels of ozone. Over 7.9 million people in poverty live in countries with unhealthful levels of short term particle pollution. 18 out of 25 cities most polluted by ozone had their lowest smog levels since the first state of air report was published in 2000.
Negative health effects of 2nd hand smoking
Second hand smoke worsens asthma and asthma related problems in up to 1000000 asthmatic children. Some immediate effects of secondhand smoke are headache, dizziness, eye irritation, cough, sore throat and nausea. Some other effects include asthma, dementia, cognitive impairment, lung cancer, breast cancer and cardiovascular problems.
The ultimate guide to oral health
In order to maintain oral health, you must grab the right gear such as toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, floss, whitening and fluoride. Brushing must be done twice a day for 2 minutes each whereas flossing must be done once a day.
Food contamination
Each year, contaminated food products are estimated to cause 48 million consumer sicknesses in the US. Food can be contaminated with metals, plastics and chemicals apart from medications and hormones.
40% of the doctors believe that mobile health technologies can reduce the number of office visits. There are more than 10000 medical/healthcare apps available on Apple’s iTunes App store. Infact this category is the third fastest category for both iPhone and Android phones.
The childhood obesity epidemic
Since 1980, childhood obesity rates have tripled. 1 in 5 infants drink soda in the US and 50% of the overweight children remain overweight as adults as well. It is alarming to know that only 3 out of 10 high schoolers report eating vegetables every day.
Everything you need to know about headache
90% of the entire population have had a headache at some point in life infact 50% have had a severe headache. Some types of headaches are tension type headaches, migraine headaches, sinus headaches, chronic daily headaches and cluster headaches.
Vacation’s impact on health
Men who do not vacation annually have a 20% higher risk of death and about 30% greater risk of death from heart disease. Women who don’t take vacations are more than 2 times as likely to suffer from depression as other women who choose to take a vacation.
Who is vitamin D deficient?
40% of population of the US is vitamin D deficient and 71% pregnant mothers are also vitamin D deficient. 42% African American women aged between 15 and 49 are Vitamin D deficient as well.