UK is the popular name that is used by the websites owners in the united kingdom. Till date more than 10,153,840 .UK domains are registered by several website builders. It is the 4th popular domain after the top domains like .net, .com and .de.
The full domain name that users choose must not exceed 64 characters and the size of third level element is restricted to 37 characters of which 26 character should be lower case alphabets, 10 should be western digits and a hyphen can be used to separate the domain name.
Several doamin extensions associated with .UK domain include for commercial entities, for private companies, for personal names, for providing Internet service infrastructure and for public limited companies. The total domains that are renewed in January are 398,619, in February 403,263 sites were renewed and in march more than 69 % of websites that come under the .UK domain are renewed.