Breakout Brands:
There are several top brands in United States that are supportive to presidential candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Various brands supporting Romney include IBM, Toyota, Coca – Cola ,, walmart and break out brands of Obama includes Google, volkswagen and Starbucks etc.
View of Businesses voters:
According to survey by Ring Central, over 37% of business voters have reported that Mitt Romney is best for business and 37% said Obama is better for the business. More than 44% of US women have chosen Obama has the best man for presidential post and 39% said Mitt Romney is a better man.
Source: Ring Central
Cost of US Elections:
The Upcoming 2012 presidential elections of United States will be the costliest elections in the history. It is estimated that over $ 6 billion will be spent by the leaders of both republican and democratic party. Barack Obama has spent $ 345.7 million in election campaigning and his opposite leader, Mitt Romney has spent $ 228.9 million.
Source: Credit Season
Highlights of Obama and Romney:
Both Obama and Romney are the leaders of political parties taking part in the US elections for the year 2012. Obama has held the position of United States President from 2008 to present and Mitt Romney worked as Governor of Massachusetts from the year 2003- 2007.
Source: Maps of World
Religion of US presidents:
With presidential elections approaching in few days, it is important to have a brief idea about the presidential candidates. Mitt Romney is from Mormon religion and he was member of Church of Jesus Christ of Llatter day Saints and on other hand, Barack Obama is a Congregationalist and worked as a member of United church of Christ.
Source: Online Christian Colleges
Social Media role in US elections:
Social media has drastically changed the way of communication and the US government has provided the opportunity for every internet user to register their vote through Facebook. For 2012 elections, large number of voters residing in Washington state have registered to cast their vote via Facebook.
Source: State Tech Magazine
Important dates of presidential elections:
For every four years, United States conducts elections in which every American is given right to cast their vote and elect their president. Some key dates of 2012 United States Elections are:
3rd October: presidential Debate
11th October: Vice Presidential Debate
16th October: Presidential Debate
5th November: Election day
Source: Carnegie Endowment
Leaders perspective on same-sex marriage:
With general presidential elections to be held in November, the issue of same sex marriage has become a national political issue. The present president Barack Obama has supported the marriage between same sex individuals while Mitt Romney was completely against the issue of same sex marriage.
Source: Marriage And Family Counseling Degree
Candidates and their tax proposals:
With presidential elections in the United States, the tax payment of candidates in the race of president and vice president has become a central point for discussion among the media and public. The tax institute has calculated the tax payment of presidential candidates.
Source: Hr Block
Voters participation in United States:
Reports show that the number of people registered to vote for 2012 elections is comparatively very high when compared with previous elections. In 2010 mid term elections, more than 135,083, 584 votes were registered of which 89, 289 ,999 votes were counted.
Source: Pew States
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