Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that blocks the air path and makes difficult for the individual to inhale oxygen. In a person attacked with asthma, the lining of the air passage gets swelled. The symptoms of asthma disease includes squeezing, coughing, rapid pulse change, sweating, Chest pain, tightness in chest and drowsiness.
Every day in America more than 40,000 individuals miss school or work because of asthma and 30,000 individuals in America are attacked by asthma disease. Over 5,000 people rush to hospital out of which 1,000 individuals are admitted in hospitals due to asthma.
Every 1 out of 15 Americans die from asthma attack and it is recorded that there are over 4,000 deaths every year of which 65% victims are women. The worst cities in America where people are mostly prone to asthma attacks are St Louis, Memphis, Knoxville, Atlanta, Birmingham, Little Rock and Charlotte etc.