In recent years, Facebook has become a popular social media network over the internet with a user base of 900 million. This social media site was launched in the year 2004 and its early incarnation was named as “Facemash”.
Here are few interesting statistics and shortcuts associated with Facebook:
More than 3000 employees work in Facebook office located in different countries.
Of the total Facebook users, 56% are female and 44% are male users.
Total users spend over 700 billion minutes on Facebook every month.
United States holds the record for having 160.7 million Facebook users and Brazil with 55.2 million users is at second place.
Users can press '0' for help center, '1' to get directed to home page, '2' for viewing time-line, '3' for seeing friends list, '5' for notifications, 'L' to like/unlike photos, arrow keys for skipping the photos back and forth.
For every 20 minutes on Facebook, 10.2 million comments are posted, 2.7 million photos are uploaded, 1.9 million friend request are accepted, 1.5 million wall posts are written and over 1.3 million photos are tagged by various Facebook users.