As we generally know people love, the main twitter website. But for the convenience of users, Twitter developed around 300,000 apps. Let’s find out the most used applications.
It is surprising to know that 78% of users use the main Another 14% of users depend on The apps developed for Blackberry, iPhone and SMS contribute 8% of total tweets.
Although TweetDeck’s occupied 3-6% portion but claims as many tweets as do users of Among many apps, TweetDeck attracts many users. TwitPic is used by 4% of users. While UberTwitter, Google Friend Connect has 2% of users, Echofon app grabbed 3% of Twitter account holders.
However, in the survey, TweetDeck said to be used by as equal as or sometimes more than the main One of four Twitter account holders use one of the million apps thorough the day.