Our world is made up of some extremely uneven weather conditions and climatic variations. There are many animals on the planet which have learnt to adapt according to the climatic conditions of their native place and this adaptability has made them immune to the extreme temperatures in which they live.
There are animals like camels that can live without water for weeks whereas polar bears have adapted to extreme cold of the poles. The following is a list of the top 10 animals that can live in the cold temperature:
Arctic fox or white fox is an animal which can thrive at a temperature of -58F.Beluga Whale is another animal which can live in extreme cold weather conditions and up to 0 degree C.
The Killer whale is another such animal as it can thrive at a temperature of -51F. On this list, another animal is spotted seals which are found in areas such as Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort. Harp Seals, which can thrive in really cold conditions of Russia and East Canada, are among the top 10 animals that can live in the cold temperature and these are followed by narwhals, Walrus, ringed seals, polar bears and arctic tern.