The rate of hacking passwords is increasing gradually from past few years due to setting of weak passwords by the users. There are some common passwords used by several users for easy remembrance and such kind of profiles can be easily detected and hacked by the professional hackers across the world.
In the year 2012, more than 442,773 yahoo passwords were hacked. Of the total passwords associated with yahoo profiles, 342,478 passwords are unique and 100,295 passwords are used by more than one user.
The password”123456” is available for 1666 accounts, “password” is set by 780 users, “welcome” is used by 436 accounts. The top base words that are mostly used as passwords include welcome, qwerty, monkey, Jesus, freedom and writer etc.
Legend is the 25th worst password used by most of the internet users and it is among the top 30 cracked LinkedIn passwords. The highest rate of hacking is recored in the year 2005.