Dieticians have found a disturbing trend that could have dire consequences. The easily available fast, convenient and unhealthy junk foods have created unhealthy habits of excessive eating in American families. Some of the symptoms are like eating stuff when you are not hungry, but can raise blood glucose level, and it is in accordance to the study by the Cornell Food and Brand Lab.
High glucose in the body can lead to complication such as diabetes. Jaye Leopold, diabetes clinical nurse specialist at advocate good Samaritan hospital in Downers grove, Ill., offers five tips to curb the mindless eating in order to control blood glucose levels.
- Hunger check
- Refocus
- Drinking water
- Prepare Snacks
- Find a Hobby
Ask yourself whether you are truly hungry, or is it boredom, tiredness, or stress, or thirst? As any symptom can make you take junk food stuff. When you get into the mood of eating untimely then the best means to avoid is to refocus your mind on something that can keep you engaged.
In order to skip eating, take a walk, lift weights, lie down for power nap, etc. Sometimes, you may be thirsty, but assume it to be hunger, then drink sparkling water, or add lemon to spruce it up. When you find it highly difficult to keep away from eating, then another way is to prepare snack such as baby carrots, raw broccoli on hand. In such weak moments, find a hobby that can keep you busy.
Source: ahchealthenews