Aluminium is the third most abundant element found to be naturally occurring on earth and comes behind oxygen silicon in terms of its abundance. It is also the most abundant metal in the crust of the earth.
This is a really chemically reactive element and hence its native specimens are very rarely found. Thus this element is found in combined forms in about 270 different types of minerals. Many nations produce aluminium and in the following part of the article is a list of the largest aluminium producing countries in the world:
People’s Republic of China is the largest producer of aluminum in the world and produces about 41% of the total aluminium found on earth. Russia is the second largest aluminium producing countries as it produces about 4000 tonnes of aluminium per year which is 9% of the total aluminium produced. Canada is also a big producer of aluminium as it produces 7% of the total produce.
With 4% of the total aluminium produced in the world, United States is one of the largest producers of this metal followed by Australia which produces 1930 tonnes of aluminium.
United Arab Emirates is yet another country which produces large quantities of this metal. India, Brazil, Bahrain and Norway are the other large aluminium producing countries.