Liberia is a part of west Africa that has highest unemployment rate when compared with other countries across the world. Due to unemployment, more than 80% of school girls are forced to have sex for cash. Many times parents force their young daughters of 10 year old to work on streets and earn money.
Every year more than 340,000 become orphans due to AIDS, of which most of orphaned girls become prostitutes and 70% of boys become criminals. Survey depicts that 21% of children aged between 5 to 14 years are involved in different child labor activities.
It is reported that 58% of women in Liberia mutilate their genitals. Raping is quite common in the Liberia state and 66% of girls aged between 10 to 19 years are being raped every year.
Due to high prostitution rate, Liberia has 5th highest women mortality rate in world and it is at sixth position in the literacy rate from bottom.