Geeks have been evolving over time. You can find them everywhere these days and there are different kinds of geeks to identify. Check out the types of geeks in this infographic.
Das Ubergeek
Can code well in more than five languages. Has several Linux builds on hard drive.
Apple Geek
Boasts about Apple products and helps customers at the Apple store for free.
Chic Geek
Can be seen in oxfords paired with shorts. Knows the names of top chefs.
Cosplay Geek
Loves anime and dresses up as the characters.
Star Wars Geek
Watches all episodes of Star Wars innumerable number of times.
Trekkie Geek
Knows Klingon and prefers hard sci-fi thrillers.
Film Geek
Completely into films and believes 3D is destroying the art of films.
Encyclopedia Geek
Reads random articles of Wikipedia and breaks into exaggerated explanations of irrelevant things between conversations.
Comic Book Geek
Has collection of oldest and limited edition comics. Can predict the outcome of battle between super heroes.