Paul Ryan and Joe Bieden are the candidates in race for vice president position in the United States General elections for the year 2012.
Here are few things associated to Ryan, that everyone must know before watching VP debate:
Ryan' budget for Medicare savings is $ 176 billion and it is similar to Obama's budget.
Ryan administration will rule out health care savings for 31 million people who are poor.
Over 62% of budget estimated by Paul Ryan will be beneficial to Americans who make low income.
Ryan voted to increase the debt ceiling of America by 5 times that accounts to a total of $ 5 trillion.
Ryan opposes abortion surgeries for women who have been raped.
Ryan has named the social security scheme as a “Ponzi scheme”.
Ryan has offered his support to constitutional amendment act , that abolishes same sex marriage.
To reduce the tax deduction on rich, Ryan has to increase and implement new tax deduction schemes on middle class Americans.