Drinking water is important for healthy life. But do you know bottled water consumption has adverse impacts? Discover more in the above infographic. Americans drink 21 gallons of water per capita per annum. The U.S. is remained as the largest market base for bottled water sales. Americans drink more bottled water than Mexicans, Chinese, and Brazilians.
The Sale of water has seen 51% positive growth from 2006 to 2011. The cost of battled water is comparatively higher than tap water. In the U.S, a water bottle costs from $0.25 to $2, but tap water costs only $0.01.
Due to bottled water consumption, 1.5 million tons of plastic waste is produced for every year. It requires up to 47 million gallons of oil to produce those plastic bottles. Studies suggest that bottled water is any cleaner or better than tap water.