Soft drink is a non alcoholic beverage that is consumed world wide by large number of people. The average amount of soft drink consumed by a person is 89.8 liters per year and United States holds the top position in soft drink consumption with 49.78 billion liters per year.
Survey reports shows that in the year 2008, over 9.6 billion cases of soft drinks were sold out in different countries and every year soft drink industry generates a revenue of $ 50 billion. There are several companies that manufacture soft drinks, but coco-cola is the only manufacturing company that has permission to import coca plants in the United States.
It is determined that 21% of sugar in American's diet comes from the soft drink consumption. Medical research shows that drinking 2 or more soft drinks per week will increase the pancreatic cancer by 87% and consuming 2 soft drinks per day will raise the risk of Gout disease by 85%.