Marketing is only effective if it is present on the channels that people are using. Snapchat has quickly become the preferred social media platform for young adults surpassing Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter combined.
This Infographic by Amberd Design Studio illustrates must know information for social media marketing gurus. The overall growth trajectory of Snapchat remains positive with a slight tip in daily growth in 2017. This led to a negative financial outcome in the early quarters of 2017 from which they are only now recovering.
The average Snapchat user is 18 to 24 years old with an iOS smartphone. Most of these people are Snapchatting from events and will spend 50 percent more time on their device than non-Snappers. 81 percent Snapchat from home and 54 percent at school. This means that they are Snapping multiple times a day with an average of 18. Snapchat depends on North American users as they provide 75 percent of the total revenue.