Most women have a fetish of certain items such as cosmetic, footwear, clothes, wrist watches and handbags. If one conducts a survey and asks women the one thing without which they feel incomplete, the common reply would be a handbag.
Most women cannot step out of the house without their handbag and have a strong urge to collect as many as they can. Many expensive fashion brands make handbags which act as a status symbol for the elite. The most expensive handbag in the world is The Mouawad’s 1001 nights diamond purse which has an estimated price of $3.8 Million.
The Hermes Birkin is not only one of the most expensive handbags in the world but is also one of the most popular. This bag has over 2000 diamonds and is made of Platinum. The Chanel ‘Diamond forever’ classic handbag is yet another really expensive handbag priced at $261000.
The Lana Marks Cleopatra bag is also one of the most expensive women handbags in the world as it has been priced at $250000. Some other really expensive handbags in the world are Hermes Matte Crocodile Birkin Bag, Leiber precious rose bag, LV Tribute patchwork bag and Gadino bag by Hilde Palladino.