If you thought that it was only movies and songs that attracted controversies, then you were probably mistaken. There are many books in the world which have been subject to a lot of controversy worldwide due to either disturbing content or content which hurt the religious sentiment of a few religious groups in the world.
Some of these books are so controversial that they have even been banned from a few countries for good. One of the most controversial books in the world is Lolita written by Vladimir Nabokov in the year 1955. This book concluded that human activities were always guided by sexual desire and was not accepted by society.
Books and controversies go hand in hand and many books hurt the sentiments and feelings of religious sects. An example of this is The Satanic Verses written by Salman Rushdie.
This book wasn’t accepted by Muslims and is banned in many countries. Lajja, written by Taslima Nasrin was also subject to a lot of controversy and so was Mein Kampf, which the autobiography of Adolf Hitler.
The Communist Manifesto is written by Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels is also among the most controversial books ever written. Some other books on this list are Naked Lunch, Fanny Hill, The catcher in the rye and To Kill a Mockingbird.