Generally startups are initiated in small premises and require a great work from the people involved in the startup. These startups are vision of 1 or 2 people who are in purist of fulfilling their dreams. The startup founders must be mentally tireless and with their positive thinking they need to stay ahead when compared to normal people.
Achieving success in a business is not that easy, it requires some strenuous work and the entrepreneurs need to face some big challenges in order to popularize their name in the current fast paced world.
The infographic shows that the business leaders are classified as transactional leaders and transformational leaders. The transactional leaders apply their knowledge to excel in well established business, while transformational leaders on the other hand shift the paradigm to carry out something new and these transformational leaders need not be either founders or entrepreneurs, they can be a part of management.
As a founder, they are provided with full freedom to craft their own rules and in fact, as a business leader, the individual must possess extensive knowledge in various aspects of the business that includes development, analytics, marketing, recruitment, legal , sales, writing and financial management.
While sharing his secrets of success, Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft Company has famously said that “I never took a day off in my twenties. Not one”. This statement would inspire as how a young entrepreneur need to work in the initial days of his/her startup establishment in order to gain success.