With the doomsday frenzy around, various possibilities are being rounded up by some believers including a zombie outbreak! It may sound absurd, but what is the harm in being prepared to face a disaster such as a nuclear catastrophe, which may be triggered due to some destructive forces of nature. This infographic provides practical steps for surviving a nuclear disaster.
Everyone is well aware of the destruction caused by the meltdown and explosion of nuclear reactor in Japan. Minimizing the exposure to radiation is the key step to surviving nuclear holocaust. The weapons that will be useful to you include:
Paper towels
Plastic bags
Water filtered vacuum
Handheld radiation detector
Vacuuming household surfaces at least two times a day is recommended.
Dusting or sweeping should be strictly avoided, as it makes the isotopes become airborne. Internal exposure is more dangerous than external exposure.
Do not run fans or AC that blows air into the house from outside.
Keep your utensils clean, washing them with filtered water for every use.