Common core state standards (CCSS) initiative was made by the US government. It’s a real world approach to deal with the problems associated with learning and teaching. This initiative was developed by the education professionals and members of U.S National Governor’s Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO).
The main agenda behind creating this Common Core Standards is to enable the students in learning key concepts and gain in-depth knowledge in Math’s and English language arts. These standards assist the candidate to compete with his/her peers anywhere in the United States and achieve success at college level, workplace and in real life.
Few interesting facts about the common core state standards are depicted below:
The CCSS initiative was officially released on June 2, 2010.
Initially the CCSS was adopted by only 45 US states and 4 territories.
More than 45,750,000 students in United States will learn the CCSS.
Over 89,970 public schools in various districts of United States have adopted the CCSS.
Federal Grants were awarded a huge amount of $350,000,000 to create common assessments required for the CCSS.
Over 1,061 standards were crafted by the officials and experts for k-12 grades.
PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for Colleges and Careers) took the core task of creating comprehensive assessment system to scale the performance of students.