Wine tasting might seem like a fun thing to do, but trust me it is serious business. If you’re new to wine tasting, you might be wondering exactly what to look for. This infographic will help you understand the tips and tricks of wine tasting.
Choose The Right Environment. It is essential to select a quiet environment for your first wine tasting. This will help you focus better on the experience. Examine The Wine By Looking.Once you are in a quiet place, sit down and examine your wine glass under neutral light. Your glass needs to be one-third full. Look at the entire range of the colors carefully.
What You Should Look for a perfect wine tasting experience, you need to examine the color, viscosity, and opacity of the wine first. Swirling your wine in the glass will cause it to aerate so you get a nice whiff of its aroma. The aroma depends on whether the wine has aged in a bottle or oak. Your wine might have various different aromas such as autumn leaves, vanilla, roasted nuts, or stale beer.
Examine Your Wine By Tasting :
Now for the most important stage in your wine tasting. Gently take a sip of the wine and do not swallow it immediately. Let it swirl in your mouth as you examine more of its attributes.
The Taste
Most wines have a sour taste, but they can also be bitter, sweet, or salty.
The Texture
The texture of a wine depends on the amount of ethanol contained in it. More the amount of ethanol in your wine, more viscous it will be.
The Length
The length of the amount of time for which the taste of the wine persists. It can be a short while or moderate or long.
Develop An Idea Now that you have gathered an idea of all the attributes of your wine, let them sink in and analyze them.
Some More Useful Tips :
- Before tasting your wine, swirl it in the glass as this will cause it to aerate and unleash the full aromas.
- Do not mix up different wines. Taste different wines in the same setting but only taste them one at a time.
- If you’re getting overwhelmed with too many different aromas, just sniff your forearm to neutralize your nose.
- We hope this infographic from Tango Tours helps you get the most out of your wine-tasting experience. Enjoy your wine-tasting!