To be considered wealthy in San Jose, California, you would need to earn an average of $500,341 per year. In San Jose today, that's the mean income of the top 20%, which is more than any other city or metropolitan area in the United States, a place that's home to several major companies like Adobe, eBay, PayPal, and Cisco. In various cities across the country, your dollar goes much further or much less than in other places around the United States, so while one may struggle to get by in San Jose, they may be considered wealthy elsewhere. The research team at Madison Trust Company analyzed data from the U.S. Census Bureau to determine how much money you would need to make in the 50 most populous cities in the United States to be considered rich. Behind San Jose, other cities that are high up the list include San Francisco at a mean income of $442,934, Washington DC at $353,350, Boston at $353,292 and Seattle at $346,862.