According to the National Center of Learning Disabilities, every one in five children in America have learning or attention disabilities. That is why it is vital to promote understanding of the challenges, characteristics, and qualities of each learning disability. It is also important to note that learning disabilities are not a reflection of intelligence or success, but rather just a unique lens through which a child or adult interprets the world. In the right environment, an individual with a learning disability can excel alongside their peers. This infographic explores the 7 types of learning disabilities classified by the Learning Disabilities Association of America.
Those learning disabilities are dyscalculia, dyslexia, dysgraphia, auditory processing disorder, language processing disorder, nonverbal learning disorder, and visual perceptual/visual motor deficit. While each one has distinguishing traits, (such as how dyscalculia affects a person’s mathematical abilities, and dyslexia affects reading, writing, and spelling) the individuality of each person must be honored.