Many people across the world have some weird and strange addictions. In general, addiction refers to a habit without which the individuals cannot function or concentrate in a proper way. The addicts usually hurt themselves or others to get the substance that they are addicted to.
Alcohol consumption, drug abuse and smoking are few common addictions that people suffer from, but there are few other addictions around the word that leaves you perplexed for while when you come across these addicts.
There are several reasons for these weird addictions, few of which include genetic disorder, mental health issues, lack of religious connection, physical abuse, sexual abuse, low self-esteem and easy accessibility to drugs.
It is quite weird that few people have an addiction to eat toilet paper and few are very obsessed about undergoing a cosmetic surgery very frequently. Most of us know that many people on the planet are addicted to try different sex positions, but surprisingly even dirt eating is an addiction and it is termed as Geophagia.
The most weirdest addiction is attending funerals, a Brazilian man named Luis Squarisi has been attending every single funeral within his proximity from last 20 years and to feed his addiction he voluntarily retired from his job.
Few interesting facts about addiction:
Every year about 18 million individuals in American report alcohol addiction problems.
More than 15% of youth under 18 years have tried to consume or smoke an illicit drug.
Over 90% of theft crimes are committed by the individuals under the influence of drugs.