Our teeth are perhaps the most taken for granted human body part. No wonder that 60-90% of children and a 100% of adults suffer from dental cavities, worldwide (according to WHO). But thanks to medical science, humanity has not yet gone toothless.
Of the many a thousand dental treatments, root canal is a common one.Doctors perform root canal to treat a badly decaying tooth without having to remove them.
How common is root canal?
Every year,more than 15 million root canals are performed. That comes down to more than 41,000 root canals performed every single day. So yeah, root canals are pretty common.
Success rate :
The success rate of theroot canal is around 95%. A tooth successfully restored through root canal can last upto a lifetime, if given the proper dental care. It is important to keep your gums clean as it is what will keep the treated tooth healthy.
What to keep in mind while getting a root canal :
The 5% of failure mainly occurs if the procedure is not carefully carried out or if the tooth is not taken care of properly. So the only two concerns that arise while getting a root canal is to choose a good professional and to maintain your oral hygiene. While choosing a professional to get your root canal done, you should consider seeing an endodontist rather than a general dentist as they are the experts in this kind of dental treatment.