In present days, rent associated with the room or an apartment changes with needs and wants of the renters. According to, in United States more than 34.9% of housing units are used for rental services.
On an average, a household spends $900 for paying rent to a single bedroom resided in the center of city. people who must pay rent uses 20% of monthly income and the average rent in city outskirts is $ 697.
According to American housing survey, over 20 million renters were polled for the year 2009. Usually Americans move to new homes or apartments with different reasons but 20% of renters relocate for their job, 25% choose houses near to public services and transportation and 21% have shifted to new houses because they may like the layout or space of the house. New York city is the most expensive place to live and the cheapest place to live in United States is Brownsville.