Individuals aim to obtain a bachelor’s degree for different purposes. Bachelor’s degree gives the individuals, a chance to earn more, compared to those without one. In this infographic, learn the costs of bachelor degrees in different countries, most expensive private colleges and expensive majors.
Bachelor’s degree in Canada for a foreign student for 8 months costs 12,048 US dollars. Sweden and China also offer bachelor degrees for nearly the same cost. Private universities in United States charge US $26,273, whereas US $7,020 is charged by the public U.S. universities.
Three private colleges that make it to the top 10 US colleges with expensive tuition fees include Columbia University in NY, Vassar College in NY and Trinity College in CT.
Expensive majors include Dentistry, Engineering, Law, Aviation, Music, Photography/film studies.
Degrees which are highly expensive, but fetch jobs with least pay include Philosophy, Dance, Latin, Communications, Art History, Physical Education.