Black Friday was a marketing strategy to bring the sales margins from red back to the black.It happens every year on the Friday before the thanksgiving day.
On the Black Friday that happened in 2010, 215 million shoppers spent at least $365 each. Of this 35% was spent online and the rest through regualr store purchases. As a result 627,600 jobs were created in the year.
Heer are soem tips for the retailers. Open the store later in the day to cater to the large number of cutomers who prefer to shop after 10 am. Create an ad campaign different from your regualr ones. Advertise early and use social media for promotions.
Come up with unique offers and extend after sales support. Make provisions to manage the crowd. Have extra staff in hand, provide tickets and put up special signs and barricades. Most people shop for clothing and gift articles. Gift articles include electronics and gift vouchers.