Nuclear power plants form the major source of producing electrical energy. And across the world, there are more than 450 nuclear reactors that generate electricity to meet the demands of increasing population on the globe. There are different techniques available to build a nuclear reactor, but the singular purpose of building a nuclear reactor: to make electricity.
At moment, nearly 17% of world’s electricity is produced by 460 nuclear power plants that are located in different countries across the world. Few popular and largest nuclear power plants that generate thousands of mega watts of electricity per hour are highlighted in the infographic.
Kashiwazaki-Karawi nuclear power plant is the world’s largest nuclear plant built with modern technology in an area of 1,038 acres. The entire operations pertaining to the plant are managed by TEPCO (The Tokyo Electric Power Company). The plant is located in Niigata Prefecture, Japan and it generates around 33,317 Giga watts of electricity per year.
Bruce power plant is the other largest power generating stations in entire North America. The station is constructed and extended to an area of 2,300 acres; it is located across the Lake Huron in Canada.
This nuclear station has eight nuclear reactors of which only six are operated. These six nuclear reactors are capable of generating around 5,090 mega watts of electricity per hour.
Fukushima Daiichi, Oi, Paluel Nuclear Power plant, Gravelines and Yonggwang atomic energy plants are few other popular nuclear power plants.