The internet helps generating new marketing opportunities.
Small businesses and users are gradually exploring new information and communication technologies, mainly social networking sites, search engines, and smartphones.
For instance, Facebook, Yelp, Google, and Foursquare let users check in to locations and announce to their friends where they are.
The location based networks allow users to leave comments, tips, recommendations and redeem offers from the business owners. They help building stronger relationships with customers. They offer greater exposure and endorsement.
Channels like Foursquare doubled growth from 2010 to 2011 and in 2011, 25% of small business owners finding success with the help of location based networks.
Despites critics argue that check in apps and services are dead, but the trend seemed to be growing. However, by adopting few techniques such as offering rewards to loyal customers, discounts, free samples, etc. small businesses can boom in the market.