Most of the Americans consume large amount of sweet in their daily diet. We all think that sugar is sweet but it has some adverse effects on human beings.
By navigating through the infographic, you can find few interesting facts about sugar:
On an average, Americans consume 22 teaspoons of sugar per day and a whooping child eats over 32 tea spoons of sugar every day.
Americans drink more than 53 gallons of soft drink every year that contains rich sugar content.
In the average American diet, sugar contributes around 496 calories.
Refined sugar has no nutrition value and it can result in insomnia, dizziness, hair loss, skin irritation, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, obesity, excaberates mood and leads to metabolic syndrome.
Apart from salt, Americans consume 10 times more sugar when compared with other food additives.
Medical research shows that women should not intake more than 6 teaspoons of sugar per day and men should not consume over 9 tea spoons per day.